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Infrastructure as Code with PowerFlex

Take your PowerFlex knowledge to the next-level and discover Infrastructure as Code - a modern approach to managing and provisioning infrastructure through code instead of manual processes and interactive configuration tools.

Gain value by leveraging the extensive PowerFlex automation capabilities: direct programmability with the REST API and streamlined operations using Ansible and Terraform. Access intelligent automation that simplifies infrastructure operations and application workflows.

In this session our experts Brian and Parasar will:

  • Explain the implementation of Infrastructure as Code practices in PowerFlex using APIs, Ansible and Terraform.
  • Discuss the relationships between different automation layers and tools, ensuring safe and consistent usage.
  • Present lab demonstrations that show how each tool is used both independently and together to deploy, scale, and manage PowerFlex and its workloads programmatically, whatever the deployment model or location. 
  • Offer free bonus material and exclusive resources to help you in your IT transformation journey.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to get skilled with automation. Register today!

Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024

Time: 11:00AM Eastern Daylight Time

Speakers: Brian Dean - Technical Staff, Engineering Technologist & Parasar Kodati - Technical Staff, Engineering Technologist

Advance Automation with Microsoft Azure Stack HCI

Azure Stack HCI delivers a hybrid cloud solution that extends the value of Azure into on-premises datacenters and edge locations, with the security and performance of on-premises infrastructure. 

In this free 1-hour session, you will gain the confidence and know-how of the latest in Microsoft Azure Stack HCI to deliver repeatable and consistent Infrastructure as Code (IaC), enabling you to achieve faster business value as you learn how to automate frequent, time-consuming manual tasks.

In this session our experts will:

  • Discuss the different Infrastructure as Code use cases and scenarios for Azure Stack HCI and provide best practices for implementation.
  • Explore how to reduce manual processes and multi steps in a task using API’s, PowerShell, Azure CLI, Ansible and Terraform.
  • Provide guidance to help you orchestrate and integrate with Dell-provided APIs for infrastructure management automation.
  • Show lab demonstrations to help you become familiar with Infrastructure as Code for Azure Stack HCI.
  • Receive bonus material to help you in your learning journey and access to free hands-on Labs.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to get skilled with automation. Register today!

Date:  June 20, 2024 

Time: 11:00AM Eastern Daylight Time

Speakers: Matt McSpirit – Senior Principal Engineering Technologist & Lisa Clark – Advisory Systems Engineer